Meandering Thoughts - Original SOLD

"Meandering" is inspired by the neuro diverse ways our brains think and process information.

I create each painting with many deep layers of mixed media paints using a variety of iridescent, metallic and jewel-toned pigments so that the art looks different from every angle.  The surface is dynamic and always changing.  It moves with you, connects with your spirit and changes with the light.  The paintings sparkle from within and are a visual representation of the multilayered aspects of our personality.

Meandering Thoughts
Mixed Media on Canvas
30x60 inches Triptych

*Original Sold and is no longer available

**One-of-a-kind paint enhanced print available

Acrylic Prints
  • Size 30x60 inche Triptych
  • Arcylic Paint Enhanced One-Of-A-Kind Image
  • The 1/4" thick acrylic produces brilliant color
  • UV resistant ink prevents fading
  • Ready to hang
  • Signed and Shipped to you with care 
    *All prints are made to order and take about 3-4 weeks for delivery.

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